Property Tattoo Gallery

Property Tattoo Gallery

To create a wrapped loop you should use 20 guage wire or a head pin. You would use a head pin if you only need one side of your bead(s) to have a loop. You would use the wire if you need to create loops on both ends of the bead. As you can see, a head pin is perfect for creating dangles for earrings and for dangles to hang off your necklace. A loop on each end of a bead allows that bead to be hooked on both ends for creative design purposes.
Crown Tattoos 14
Property Tattoo Gallery

Cross on Crown Tattoo 13
Property Tattoo Gallery

Crown Tattoo 12
Property Tattoo Gallery

Crown tattoo 11
Property Tattoo Gallery

Cross on Crown Tattoo 10
Property Tattoo Gallery

diamond Tattoo 9

Property Tattoo Gallery

diamond Tattoo 8
Property Tattoo Gallery

diamond Tattoo 7

Property Tattoo Gallery
diamond Tattoo 6
Property Tattoo Gallery
diamond Tattoo 5

Property Tattoo Gallery
diamond Tattoo 4
diamond Tattoo Property Tattoo Gallery
crown Tattoo 3
crown Tattoo
Skull wear crown Tattoo 2

Skull wear  crown Tattoo 2

stick behind diamond Tattoo 1
stick behind diamond Tattoo

